Diy Sphere машин

DIY Sphere Topiary | DIY Sphere Topiary

DIY Sphere Topiary I could be wrong, but I don't think these are called "obelisks." An obelisk is a column-like monument.

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Recumbent moped. | Endless Sphere DIY EV Forum

Hello. I am making such a moped for long trips. All components are available, but the matter has slowed down so far. The battery will be large (there is in the garage, but not yet assembled). It will consist of three cases with independent control electronics, each with 60Ah, 72V, that is, a...

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Diy Mini–Las Vegas Sphere : 24 Steps (with …

Basically a blocky sphere. Summary of modeling lights. I basically needed to remove the smoothness on the sphere to make a controlled area for the LEDs to wrap around. What I did was make objects that were just the smoothness of …

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Homemade Axial flux PM motor | Endless Sphere …

My plans are to make a small motor (like the one you see on the pics, the rotor has 150mm outside diameter), make sure it works the way it should and keep improving from there (and maybe scaling it up). I would love to build …

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Integrating sphere #4 (the fast and cheap one)

So I'm learning that my DIY sphere (shown back at post# 64) is apparently wildly inaccurate at higher lumen levels (/- 400 lumens and above) and it doesn't seem to matter what size flashlight is in the hole (so I don't believe it's related to light reflecting off the bezel/glass lens). I'm wondering if it's related to light loss ...

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DIY sphere stereo mic

Without the dough for a Schoeps KFM 6 (~$8,000), KFM 360, or even a T.H.E. BS-3D (~$2,500) - all three now discontinued anyway - I decided to make a budget version based on Hudson Fair's ('Plush' on Gearspace) opinion that the KFM 6 sphere would have been more useful if it were the smaller 7"...

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Homemade Axial flux PM motor | Endless Sphere DIY EV …

Once I had the rotating assembly done, I 3D printed the stator (36 slots) out of PETG, and embedded two 6002-2RS ball bearings onto it. The air gap between the rotor and stator is about 0.6 mm. That's all the progress so far, I'm currently waiting for the copper wire to start winding the stator, maybe the most practical way is to wind the coils ...

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DIY Vegas Sphere Brings The Show To You

Follow along as some folks build a diy vegas sphere in their back yard. These results are very impressive and you know the neighbors love it ... Sure, but a sphere brings a whole new set of problems to solve. For example, if you just take a wall of LEDs and wrap it around a sphere, you'll have uneven density and they wanted to maintain the ...

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Laser Cut Sphere-O-Bot : 7 Steps (with Pictures)

Laser Cut Sphere-O-Bot: The Sphere-O-Bot is a simple 2 axis CNC machine that can draw on most spherical surfaces. You can use it to decorate ping pong balls or eggs.This design is based on the 3D printable Sphere-O-Bot. By building …

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Battery Technology | Endless Sphere DIY EV Forum

Got an e-bike battery from Aliexpress that doesnt meet specs. Money refunded but how to tell what I got?

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DIY Sphere Machine | Rock Tumbling Hobby

I've been meaning to build a sphere machine for a year or two now, so this seemed like a good time. The biggest thing that was keeping me from building one up to this point was that I didn't have any good motors and I …

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DIY Sphere Makers – Rock Tumbling Hobby

DIY Sphere Maker Machine builds The World Goes Round One Rock at a Time. Clicking on the following links will take you to the original project build post on the Rock Tumbling Hobby …

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Build a Simple 3D Sphere Drawing Robot (EggBot

Build a Simple 3D Sphere Drawing Robot (EggBot, EggDuino and SphereBot): Hi friends in this video we will see how to make a simple and awesome sphere drawing robot. I saw this project …

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DIY Garden Sphere Planter

Try making this DIY garden sphere from Home & Garden DIY on YouTube! This gorgeous plant pot may look complex but it's actually super easy to make and only needs a few basic supplies. It's the perfect project to do with …

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Have A Ball With This 3D Printed Sphere-Making …

All you need to do is pick a point in space inside the material and eliminate everything more than a specified distance from that point. But in practice, sphere-making isn't quite so simple.

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Homemade Sphere Cutting Jig

DIY Sphere Cutting Jig - comment on how to build a Sphere Cutting Jig - 0 comments Be the first to comment on this DIY Sphere Cutting Jig, or add details on how to make a Sphere Cutting Jig! Click the "add comment" button above …

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Endless Sphere DIY EV Forum

Endless Sphere DIY EV Forum. New posts Forum Information. Forum Rules and Features. Rules posts, announcements, general forum business. Threads 133 Messages 3,336. Threads 133 Messages 3,336. Endless Sphere knowledgebase system ( zeropress ) and funding drive. Tuesday at 4:10 PM; neptronix;

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Make a Sphere! : 5 Steps

Use the sandpaper to smooth it out. When the edges are all smoothed down, you have a nice smooth Sphere! now make it into a Globe, or a Death Star, or a big non-bouncy beach ball, a rolling stone of death (indiana jones style), maybe an eyeball, someone please make a giant eyeball. Just make sure the paints you use are okay for .

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How to make a diy sphere machine! | Rock Tumbling Hobby

Welcome to the Rock Tumbling Hobby Forum where we share a love of rocks and a sense of community as enduring as the stones we polish. The RTH Forum of …

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DIY~ Sphere Lighting!

A few simple additions and now the client has a space that is filled with more color and character. The only additions that were added was the great colorful rug, the original piece of artwork created by myself and my decorating …

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DIY Sphere Robot : 25 Steps (with Pictures)

DIY Sphere Robot: This is a spherical robot design that I am working on. I intend to use this to create a replica of BB-8 (lots more work to do!). It is about 18" in diameter and very intuitive to control.

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How to make a diy sphere machine! | Rock Tumbling Hobby

Hello all, my wife loves sphere and rocks and for Christmas I would like to make her one sphere making machine. Could someone please guide me if there are plans or parts …

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DIY жинлэх машин: 8 алхам (зурагтай)

diy жинлэх машин: Өнөөдрийн зааварчилгаанд би танд хялбар, гэхдээ хэрэгтэй жинлэх машиныг хэрхэн бүтээхийг үзүүлэх болно. Энэ нь маш эмзэг бөгөөд 3 грамм хүртэл нарийвчлалтай байдаг. Түүний хэмжиж болох хамгийн их жин ...

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A recumbent build

If by "bombing" you mean going faster than 10-15mph, you might reconsider that with the trike. I don't know how well that specific one performs above those speeds, but until I built the SB Cruiser trike, I hadn't ridden one that was safe to toodle along above that, because any twitch of the steering (from a rock or hole, or from me trying to avoid something) could flip the …

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Make Your Own Spherical Display

The Human Media Lab has some rough plans on how to build your own rudimentary spherical display using a short-throw projector, half-sphere convex mirror, and some cleverly utilized webcams. Our spherical display prototype is …

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How to Make Lighted Garden Spheres Out of Hula Hoops

Incorporating lighted decor into your outdoor garden adds a touch of charm after the sun sets. I love this DIY lighted sphere project because it not only enhances my garden decor during the day but also creates a magical ambiance at night! This is a fantastic DIY garden project that brings both beauty and inspiration to any backyard garden.

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